Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I have been thinking a lot about this word lately. It's a really wonderful concept, just spending time with people who share a similar interest. This can be anything, but it is so much cooler when that similar interest is God. The cool part about making new friends at events like Passion and on missions trips is that you meet them and you very first connection is something that is at the root of your being. When you begin a friendship with people starting out with the idea that you are there for God and not for yourself, you are able to make deep connections instantly, and it provides a basis for the best friendships.
I'm experiencing the coolest thing this week that reminds me of what the Church is meant to be. After getting back from this trip to Peru, nearly all 100 of the students who went on the trip are in a group message together, and it is a constant flow of love and encouragement, just last night we were up until almost 2 am talking about our favorite Bible verses. It is an absolutely amazing experience. One of the most difficult parts of coming home from a missions trip is that you get used to this way of life that is missions and you pour out God's love constantly on the trip, but that's ok because you are surrounded by people who are constantly filling you up and encouraging you. But then when you get home, you try to continue living the same way, but now you don't have that constant pouring in to match your pouring out. So, this message that it a constant flow of encouragement has made theses first days back into normal life so much easier. We still have people who think were are crazy for our love for Christ, and it still breaks our hearts to see the lost missing out, but now we have a place to go for encouragement and accountability. It is the most wonderful thing.
I have been thinking a lot recently about the joy the comes from fellowship with believers. I feel like the people I am around day to day drain me of all my energy, but when I am around strong believers, I am filled up with energy and joy. And I think that that makes perfect sense. We are meant to be poured out as much as we can when we are surrounded by the lost, but then we go back to believers to find a new joy and new life, not that these things are coming from the people, but from their connection with God, He provides the source and they then turn it over to you. The even more beautiful thing about that is that believers who are mutually drained can strengthen and encourage each other, because it all flows from God.
I think that we severely miss the idea of the Church when try to confine it to a time and a place. The Church is not the place that we meet on Sunday morning. The Church is the body of believers who encourage each other on a daily basis. If you experience something like that (like my group message) and you begin to read Paul's letters to the churches, then you really feel like he could be writing directly to your group. You get a new understanding of what he is saying to the churches. It makes so much sense!

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